Chemical Peels
Wrinkle Treatments for You A chemical peel uses a chemical solution to smooth the texture of your skin by removing the damaged outer layers. How much skin your Viata chemical peel specialist removes and how deep they penetrate will depend on the type of peel used, its strength and how long it is left on. […]
Enhance your skins health Microneedling works by creating tiny, controlled punctures in your skin which stimulate your body’s own natural healing process. Using an incredibly fine microneedle, the process stimulates your body’s own repair mechanisms. At Viata Aesthetics and Wellness microneedling is an effective way to treat scar tissue and pore size in a way […]
Lip Fillers
THE LATEST ADVANCEMENT IN LIP FILLER TREATMENTS Have you always wished for fuller lips and want a natural pout? Have you noticed as you have gotten older that your lips do not look as attractive and smooth as they once did? Do you have thin lips with lines? Has smoking left vertical lines around your […]
Under Eye filler
Revive Your Rested Appearance Are your friends asking you if you are getting enough sleep? Have you tried numerous concealers and highlighters and find the dark circles under your eyes still show up? Maybe you have used up the tea bags in your house trying to reduce the look of those circles. Or you have […]
Don’t let age pull you down For our Viata Aesthetics and Wellness patients, you can add volume to the face, treat the hollowness of aging, and restore a vibrant and youthful appearance by targeting “marionette lines” along the mouth and cheeks. The lines that frame our mouths when we smile were certainly well earned… but […]
RHA Filler
Reduce Wrinkles With RHA Fillers Viata Aesthetics and Wellness in Katy, TX is an approved exclusive provider of the Resilient Hyaluronic Acid (RHA) Collection. RHA fillers are the only HA fillers FDA- approved to reduce wrinkles and nasolabial folds. Botox → Fillers → Lip Fillers → Laser → Microneedling → Facials → Are RHA Fillers […]
Look Younger Today Dysport is an FDA-approved product delivered through a minimally invasive procedure to reduce the appearance of wrinkles with incredible and natural-looking results. Developed as an alternative to Botox, it smooths out those frustrating lines quickly without changing the appearance and movement of the rest of your face. Botox → Fillers → Lip […]
Wrinkle Relaxers At Viata Aesthetics and Wellness we carry two types of neurotoxins or neuromodulators, Botox and Dysport, that relax the muscle that cause wrinkles. Botox Dysport Botox Botox Cosmetic utilizes a natural, purified protein that is administered at a very low doses to reduce the contractions of wrinkles-causing muscles. Most typically these are the […]
Botox Portfolio
Wrinkle Treatments for You Are you beginning to notice the early signs of aging on your face? Do you see “frown lines” between your eyebrows, horizontal forehead creases, or perhaps “crow’s feet” radiating from the corners of your eyes? The outward signs of getting older often affect the way we see ourselves. It is possible […]
Botox Facial

A new skin-rejuvenating technique builds collagen, plumps wrinkles, dramatically increases a glow, and minimizes pores! Rather than injecting The Botox facial, uses 30 units of Botox deep into the facial muscles to smooth furrows and expression lines and then uses clusters of tiny needles (a technique known as microneedling) to deliver the cocktail just beneath […]